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Terms of Use (ToU)

Effective Date: September 29, 2023

1. Introduction

Welcome to Ekko of Notre-Dame de Paris, a free audio guide dedicated to the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Paris, created by Talkartive. By using our application, you agree to these Terms of Use (ToU). Please read them carefully before using the application. If you do not agree to these ToU, please do not use the application.

2. Definitions

“Ekko of Notre-Dame de Paris” refers to the application developed by Talkartive. This application is a geolocated audio guide that utilizes binaural sound techniques to provide an exceptional audio-immersive experience. This version specifically focuses on the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Paris, transforming guided tours into sensory experiences.

3. Use of the Application

Ekko of Notre-Dame de Paris is designed to provide you with a soundwalk around the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Paris. The application allows you to discover the history of the cathedral by unlocking audio scenes organized into 6 stations. You can complete a quest by collecting the 12 medallions to finish the Rose Window.

4. User Account

The use of the application does not require the creation of a user account. However, you may choose to subscribe to the Talkartive Newsletter, accessible on the website:

5. Application Content

All intellectual property rights, including audio content, images, and text, used in Ekko of Notre-Dame de Paris are the property of Talkartive or its partners and are protected by applicable copyright laws. You are authorized to use this content solely within the scope of your use of the application.

6. Payments

Ekko of Notre-Dame de Paris is a free application. No payment is required to download or use the application. However, mobile data charges may apply depending on your mobile service provider.

7. Privacy Policy

By using Ekko of Notre-Dame de Paris, you also agree to our Privacy Policy, which governs the collection, use, and protection of your personal data. Please refer to our Privacy Policy to learn more about how we process your data.

8. Responsibilities and Disclaimers

We strive to provide a high-quality experience, but we cannot guarantee that the application will be free from errors or interruptions. You use the application at your own risk. Talkartive cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the application.

9. Disputes and Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute, these ToU are governed by the applicable law. Any dispute will be subject to the competent jurisdiction.

10. Changes to the ToU

We reserve the right to modify these ToU at any time. Changes will be communicated through the application. By continuing to use the application after the publication of the modifications, you accept the new ToU.

11. Termination

You may cease using the application at any time. Talkartive reserves the right to terminate your access to the application in case of ToU violation.

12. Contact

For any questions or concerns regarding the ToU or the Ekko of Notre-Dame de Paris application, please contact us at the following address: